4S03 Molecular Biophysics - 2014

Dr Paul Higgs

Schedule for Fall 2014: Mo We Th 10.30, UH/B116

Course Aims

The course will focus on the single-molecule approach to biophysics experiments. Students will learn to appreciate methods for observing and manipulating single molecules and what can be understood with these techniques about the structure, function and dynamics of biological molecules. Ideas from thermodynamics and soft-matter physics will be used to explain the observations and make predictions about the behaviour of the biological molecules. Students should appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of the subject – physics/biochemistry/biology – and the interplay between theory and measurements. Lectures will make use of example papers from the scientific literature for each of the topics considered. Students will gain practice in reading and interpreting the primary literature in the field.

Lecture Contents

Techniques for observing and manipulating molecules, including optical tweezers, atomic force microscopy and fluorescence methods.

Force-extension curves for DNA, proteins and RNA.

DNA structure and packaging (nucleosomes, viruses).

Helix-coil transitions in nucleic acids and proteins.

Folding of RNA and Proteins – observations and thermodynamic models.

Assembly and growth of microtubules and actin filaments.

Molecular Motors (myosin, kinesin, ATP synthase, flagellar motor)


There will be 3 assignments based on interpretation of papers in the biophysics field (worth 15% each). Assignments will be downloadable from this web site. Due dates will be announced when the assignment is issued. A printed version of the completed assignment should be handed in at the lecture on the due date.

There will be a mid-term test (worth 15%) and a final exam (worth 40%). The mid-term will be based on all topics covered up to that point and the final exam will be based on all topics covered in the course. The format of the exam questions will be discussed with the class prior to the exam.

Assignment 1 - Assignment 1.doc You will need the following paper for this assignment - ForceExtRNA_Liphardt2001.pdf - DEADLINE Mon 29th Sept

Assignment 2 - Assignment2.doc  You will need the following paper - Microtubules_Fygensen.pdf - DEADLINE CHANGED to Wed 29th Oct.

LECTURE CANCELLED on Mon 27th because of CUPC conference. Also no lecture on Thur 30th because of Recess.

Midterm - Mon 3rd Nov - Examples of past midterm exams : Midterm2013  Midterm2010

Assignment 3 - You will need the following paper for the written part - Betancourt .

DEADLINE: Everyone - Written Part of Assignment 3 - Mon 24th Nov.

DEADLINE: Grad students - Review of 10 papers - Wed 3rd Dec (= last lecture)

Presentation Dates

Mon Nov 17th - Alex and Chapin -  Guolla - Force transduction and strain dynamics of actin in stress fibres in response to nanonewton forces

Wed Nov 19th - Sean and Eric - Blanchard - tRNA selection and kinetic proofreading in translation

Thur Nov 20th - Andrew A and Ashley - Moerner - Single molecule spectroscopy and imaging of biomolecules in living cells

Mon Nov 24th - Michael - Zimmerberg - How proteins produce cellular membrane curvature

Wed Nov 26th - Dennis and Andrew W - Attwater - In-ice evolution of RNA polymerase ribozyme activity

Thur Nov 27th - Adam - Viscek - A novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles

Recommended Textbook

Rob Phillips, Jane Kondev, Julie Theriot (2009) The Physical Biology of the Cell – This is a textbook covering many biological problems from a physics point of view. Lectures will refer to this book where appropriate, but will also use a lot of material from other research papers.

Background Reading

For those who are not familiar with Biochemistry - I would like you to have a general idea of the structure of the important types of biological macromolecules (proteins, DNA, RNA, lipids, polysaccharides) and the roles played by these molecules in the cell. There are many textbooks on this, but for something that is at the right level and not too long, I would recommend Chapter 5, "The structure and function of macromolecules", from the book "Biology" by N A Campbell and J B Reece. This should be in the library, and I have one copy that can be borrowed.

For everyone - Look at Chapters 1 and 2 of Phillips et al. This covers some ideas on sizes of molecules and cells that we talked about in class, and gives a physicist's point of view on the importance of models in biology.

The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and communication with the students will be given with explanation and the opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course websites weekly during the term and to note any changes.

Stuff to Download

Pictures from Phillips – Sizes and Time Scales - Notes1

Papers on Optical Tweezers – Review of Scientific Instruments Neuman and Block – Calibration using Power Spectrum BergSorensen

Pictures related to DNA force-extension experiments and DNA-histone interactions - Notes2

Papers on DNA force-extension experiments - Bustamante2000  Bustamante2003

Physics of Chromatin Review Schiessel2003 . Simulation of charged chain and sphere Kunze2000

Papers on nucleosomes that we mentioned in lectures: Schiessel2006.pdf , BrowerToland.pdf , Mihardja2006.pdf

Helix-Coil Notes : Notes1 and Notes2

RNA folding : RNANotes - QRBHiggs2000.pdf

Movie Links are here.

Netlogo program for dynamic instability of microtubules.

CATH database

PDB database

Papers on Protein Folding - ProteinFolding_Dill.pdf -  ProteinFolding_Sali.pdf - ProteinFolding_Beck.pdf

Notes - Fluorescence Techniques

More stuff as we go along.....