Physics and Astronomy Home Page 

Paul Higgs - Research Topics

Polymers and Soft Condensed Matter

Useful Links to people I have worked with recently in this area:


Goran Ungar at Sheffield University works on Polymer Crystallization and Liquid Crystals


Chi Ming Chen, now at the Natonal Taiwan Normal University, works on simulations in soft condensed matter and biophysics.


Link to the McMaster University Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics group.



1.      Higgs, P.G. & Ungar, G. (2001) The dilution wave in polymer crystallization is described by Fisher’s reaction-diffusion equation. J. Chem. Phys. 114, 6958-9.

2.      Ungar, G., Mandal, P.K., Higgs, P.G., de Silva, D.S.M., Boda, E. and Chen, C.M. (2000) Dilution wave and negative-order crystallization kinetics of chain molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4397-4400.

3.      Yong, C.W. & Higgs, P.G. (1999). Chain Orientation in Polymer Networks: Computer Simulation Using the Bond Fluctuation Model.  Macromolecules 32, 5062-5071.

4.      Chen, C.M. & Higgs, P.G. (1998). Monte-Carlo simulation of polymer crystallisation in dilute solution. J. Chem. Phys. 108, 4305-4314.

5.      Chen, C.M., Higgs, P.G. & MacKintosh, F.C. (1997). Theory of Fission for Two-component Lipid Vesicles. Phys. Rev. Lett.  79, 1579-82.

6.      Sotta, P., Higgs, P.G., Depner, M. & Deloche, B. (1995). Monte Carlo simulations of the orientational order in a strained polymer network - effect of density. Macromolecules 28, 7208-14.

7.      Higgs, P.G. & Ungar, G. (1994). The growth of Polymer Crystals at the transition from Extended chains to Folded chains.  J. Chem. Phys. 100, 640-648.

8.      Higgs, P.G. & Orland, H. (1991). Scaling Behaviour of Polyelectrolytes and Polyampholytes - Simulation by an Ensemble Growth Method.  J. Chem. Phys. 95, 4506-18.

9.      Higgs, P.G. & Raphael, E. (1991). Conformational changes of a polyelectrolyte in a poor solvent.  J.Phys. I   1, 1-7.

10.  Higgs, P.G. & Joanny, J.F. (1991). Theory of polyampholyte solutions. J.Chem.Phys.  94, 1543-54.

11.  Higgs, P.G. & and Joanny, J.F. (1990). Enhanced membrane rigidity in charged lamellar phases. J.Phys.(France).  51, 2307-20.

12.  Higgs, P.G. & Ross-Murphy, S.B. (1990). Creep measurements in Gelatin gels. Int. J. Biol. Macromol.  12, 233-239.

13.  Higgs, P.G. & Ball, R.C. (1989). Formation of gels and complexes by pairwise polymer interactions. J.Phys.(France). 50, 3285-3308.

14.  Higgs, P.G. & Gaylord, R.J. (1990). Slip-links, hoops and tubes - Tests of entanglement models of rubber elasticity. Polymer   31, 70-77.

15.  Higgs, P.G. & Ball, R.C. (1989a).  Trapped entanglements in rubbers - A unification of models. Europhys. Lett. 8, 357-360.

16.  Higgs, P.G. & Ball, R.C. (1989b). Some ideas concerning the elasticity of biopolymer networks. Macromolecules  22, 2432-37.

17.  Higgs, P.G. & Ball, R.C. (1988). Polydisperse polymer networks: elasticity, orientational properties, and small angle neutron scattering. J.Phys.(France)  49, 1785-1811.